Basic Graphic Design I
with Philip DiBello

September 10–December 17, 2018
Monday 12:10pm–3:00pm
209 E 23 St, Room 253

Fall ’18
Spring ’19

Assignment 06
Grids & Structure

Building on your assignment completed in Week 6 assignment 2, design the third section of your book focusing on your typeface’s specimen. Your specimen should include at least the following requirements across as many pages necessary. If in doubt, add more pages and give your content room to breathe rather than attempting to fit everything on as few spreads as possible.

—Character Set, upper and lowercase with punctuation and numerals
—Example text setting, from 10pt to 70pt in 10pt increments
—3 spreads highlighting unique characteristics of your typeface, one characteristic per spread
—Minimum 5 page history describing the story of your typeface using text and historical images

Week 13

Design your section with the requirements listed above. We will discuss your design system: grids, margins, and layout decisions. It’s suggested to use at least a 6 column grid, and proportional page margins based on your page size.

Week 14

Combine your specimen section with the rest of your design from assignment 2. We will discuss your book as a whole, considering your front cover, back cover, rhythm and flow of your publication. Print your book using InDesign’s print booklet feature. Saddle stitch your book together so we can page through it.

Week 15

Between this week and next send your publication to Lulu or produce your final version. Have your final ready to present in class.

Specimen books are traditionally published by type foundries and printers to demonstrate the range and quality of their work. Specimen books (in full: type specimen books) are the printed brochures or catalogs of type foundries and printers, offered to advertise the range and quality of type available.

Type Specimen References & Examples
GT America
GT Eesti
GT Super
Font Review Journal