Basic Graphic Design II
with Philip DiBello

January 10–May 2, 2022
Monday 12:10pm–3:00pm
209 E 23 St, Room 303

Fall ’21
Spring ’22

Assignment 02
Collection: Repetition is a Form of Change

Create a ‘container’ for all content you’ve developed over your 45 day project ‘Repetition is a form of change’. Your container can be any medium, but it must contain all 45 days worth of work. I suggest the following:
— Website
— Printed publication
— Video
— Physical container
— etc.

Next Week
Propose your container to the group. Use sketches, schematics and designs to explain how you’ll create your container by the end of the semester. This should be in the form of a PDF presentation.

Final Class
Create your container for real, this week is all about putting your container design into production. We will have a full final class / party to celebrate the end of the semester. Congrats!

Your Goal
Your chosen container should enhance or highlight your content somehow. Consider what you’ve learned from your collection assignment. How can you highlight the content and present it in the best possible way? How can you uncover what’s special about your 45 days worth of content?
Whatever you decide, the final form should be real and functional. If it's a website, use Cargo, Readymag or Webflow to create your page. If it’s a printed piece it should be physically constructed. If it’s a actual box or container, it should be produced and photographed.
Instagram already presents your work in a grid in chronological order. Design to create a unique experience, one that only would work for your specific content.

Assignment Background
This is based on an assignment given by Michael Bierut. You can view an accompanying article and further examples. Be inspired by successful iterations of this assignment.