Basic Graphic Design II
with Philip DiBello

January 10–May 2, 2022
Monday 12:10pm–3:00pm
209 E 23 St, Room 303

Fall ’21
Spring ’22

Assignment 02
Collection: Repetition is a Form of Change

Beginning March 17th, 2022 perform a task, design operation or newly learned skill every day for 45 days. on May 2nd, 2022 we will review your 45th day progress and final outcome. You must perform this task daily and post a record of your progress to Instagram.

1. Create a new Instagram account for your project by Thursday March 17th.
2. Post your instagram account to this Google Doc.
3. Begin performing your task March 17th, this is day 1. Continue daily.
4. Next class, March 21st, we will review your task and discuss your progress.

Some Ground Rules
Your task should be simple, you should be able to complete this in 20 minutes or less. Do not devise an operation that is overly complicated. Remember, you will be performing this daily. Keep it simple. These can be but does not have to be photos, the project itself is medium independent. This means you could use drawing, digital tools, sculpture, video, your hands, etc. etc.

You will use Instagram to record your progress. Understand this tool is strictly for documentation purposes, it organizes your work chronologically and timestamps every entry (so no skipping days). Your operation can be image or video based. It should be created outside the platform and uploaded externally. You can and should be working outside of the Instagram platform. Don't allow for your content to be locked into Instagram. Create outside the app and import. If you use an iPhone, either add your media to your "photos" or email them to yourself. Find a workflow that is quick and simple, remember you'll be doing this daily.

Some Strategies
There are multiple ways to approach this assignment. You have a week to think through tasks and devise a how you would like to document the operation itself. You're graphic designers and visual people, your documentation method is just as important as the task. Consistency is key. Here are some approaches, but don't feel limited to these strategies:

Content as call and response
You could choose a piece of music or text to respond to daily. For example, choosing a song and making a visual representation every day.

Learning a new Skill
You could perform a simple and repetitive skill, improving your craft over time. For example, learning how to ollie on a skateboard or make a miter joint or various joints out of wood.

You can take this time daily to observe something in new and unexpected ways. For example, you could explore the form and function of an object, and re-invent how it could be used.

Some Notable Examples
Bill Wurtz creates short original musical compositions and accompanying videos
Personal Practice creates a new interpretive dances daily
Baseball Card Vandals 'modifies' found baseball cards and ephemera. This, interestingly enough, is also profitable.
Hilla Katki explores the form and function of a simple chair

Assignment Background
This is based on an assignment given by Michael Bierut. You can view an accompanying article and further examples. Be inspired by successful iterations of this assignment.